Roll-Off Dumpster Rental Pricing

The cost of renting a dumpster has different variables that can effect the price. What we would need to know in order to give you a price:

Give us a call today at 703-828-0267 for a quote on your dumpster.

Delivery Information

When delivering a dumpster to someone, we need to know several things, the address of where the dumpster will be going, any specific placement instructions (left hand side of driveway, southside of the building next to loading dock, etc.) and when you would like the dumpster to be picked up. Most customers ask for their dumpster to be placed either in their driveway, front or backyard, or in the street or parking lot. Please be aware, if you want your dumpster placed on the street, you run the risk of getting a ticket or fine. Newington Dumpster Rental is not responsible for any fines or tickets you may receive. We also recommend placing some sort of protection down, like wooden pallets or a tarp to prevent the risk of damaging your driveway or grass. We are not responsible for any damage that may occur from where the dumpster is placed. At Newington Dumpster Rental, we want to make sure the customer is satisfied with our dumpsters and the services provided. When you rent from Newington Dumpster Rental, we will not only deliver a dumpster, but also pick up and dispose of all materials when you're ready. We will also swap your full container for an empty one for an additional fee. We take pride in our customer service and making the process of renting a dumpster as easy as possible for our customers.

Delivering a dumpster can get a little complicated sometimes depending on where we are placing the dumpster. If we are delivering a dumpster to a construction site or business it's pretty straightforward. Delivering to a house can be complicated depending on where the dumpster is placed. There are 3 places that customers want us to put a dumpster. These are:

The driveway is the best spot to put it for everyone. Placing it in the yard will tear it up and it's muddy or wet out, we can't deliver or pick it up until the ground is dry. We would also have to send a damage waiver for you to sign because there will be damage to the yard.

Placing it in the street can be difficult also. Not for us but for you. If there is a homeowners association then chances are they will complain about a dumpster in the street. You can also get a ticket for having it there. Therefore the best place to put the dumpster would be in the driveway. Surprisingly enough, there is a lot that goes on when it comes to purchasing a roll-off dumpster rental. But here at Newington Dumpster Rental we take pride in our customer service and our representatives will make your roll-off dumpster rental experience as easy and stress free as possible. Call us today!