Do You Need More Information About Dumpster Rentals?

How Do I Rent A Dumpster?

Renting a dumpster is easy. You just call to set up your dumpster delivery and give us instructions on where you want us to put the dumpster at. One of our trucks will bring an empty container out there and place it where you want. Depending on the material you are putting in, you can fill it all the way up. We have a different type of dumpster we give you if you are putting just concrete, bricks, dirt or some type of material like that due to the weight of them. We couldn't let you fill a 30 yard dumpster all of the way up with concrete because concrete is extremely heavy and a truck wouldn't be able to pick it up.

When you are done with your dumpster and want it picked up, give us a call so . One of our trucks would come pick it up and take the material to the dumpsite allotted for the type of material you put into it.

Where Can I Place A Dumpster?

Depending on where we are delivering the dumpster for you, there are some common areas that people like to have the dumpster placed. At construction sites it is fairly easy due to the fact there is a larger area to work with and you don't typically have a home owners association complaining about a dumpster sitting out. We can usually just put it wherever on site, probably close to the debris piles that are built up.

Delivering to a business or something of that nature is pretty straightforward as well. Most of the time, there will already be dumpsters on site for the food, trash, or other everyday junk that gets thrown out. Also, there is usually a loading dock that can be used. Most of the time though, it will be going behind the building so its not as much of an eyesore because let us be honest, dumpsters are not the most beautiful objects in the world.

Now if we are delivering a dumpster to your house, there is a couple of things to factor in for the placement of it. If you want it on the street, you might have to worry about the home owners association complaining or the county. If the county gets involved there could potentially be a ticket depending on where you live and how long it would be there. You would get a lot of complaints about a dumpster blocking the street or something of that fashion. Also, sometimes people park in the street so if you were to give us instructions to drop it on the street in front of your house, there wouldn't be able to be anything in the way or our driver would not be able to drop it at that time.

A lot of customers want us to place the dumpster onto the grass in the yard. We can do that but there can be any number of things wrong with that. One being that it will tear up the yard. Dumpsters are very heavy and will definitely dig in upon being placed and picked up. In order for us to do this, you would have to sign a waiver for any damage that would happen to the grass and yard area.

Another problem with it could be the rain. We all know what happens when you mix rain and dirt. You gut mud right? Well if you drive then you know driving in mud is hard enough and wheels tend to dig into the mud even more. Now imagine a big truck trying to pick up something that weighs 5 tons in the mud in your front yard. Not a pretty picture is it. We will not be able to get your dumpster when the ground is wet at all if we place it in your yard. We would have to wait until the ground is dried up to make it easier on you and the driver.

The most common place for us to place a dumpster at a home is in the driveway. Our truck driver can literally just back in the driveway and drop the dumpster in no time at all. You wouldn't have to worry about the county giving you a ticket for having it in the street or worry about a big ol' dumpster tearing up your yard. Upon pick-up you just have to make sure there is nothing blocking the dumpster and our driver can get in, grab it, and get out with no hassle.

Why Rent A Dumpster?

Are you a contractor or own a business that does a lot of demolition work? Maybe its just a job where you have to get rid of a lot of debris. Chances are, if you own, work, or do business with any of these types of companies, you are probably going to have to look into renting a dumpster. Even if you are a homeowner or someone that has property where you have let things accumulate, you are probably going to be getting rid of some junk at some point. That is where we come in. At Newington Dumpster Rental, we specialize in renting dumpsters to people in need of them. Whether it be a large construction job or a minor home improvement job, chances are you will need to rent a dumpster. If you don't know much about renting a dumpster, don't worry too much. That's what we are here for. Roll-off dumpsters are essential for the clean up and disposal of big jobs or renovations. You don't drive down the road and see huge piles of debris, concrete, or trash just sitting everywhere. The reason for that is because people dispose of their debris. When you have a large quantity of debris, you need a roll-off dumpster to put it all in unless you want to make a ton of trips to the dump.

Rolloff Dumpster Rental

Our Rolloff Dumpsters Hold All Kinds Of Material!

Rolloff Dumpster Rental

What Can I Put Into My Dumpster?

Some of the most common materials people put in dumpsters are from construction or demolition. This is from when someone tears something down to redo it or something. Say you get your bathroom remodeled and have to tear down the walls and tile. We deliver a lot of dumpsters for people to put drywall, tile, and other construction debris it. Also, a lot of homeowners get rid of furniture like couches, tables, chairs, and so on. It's much easier to put these big items in a dumpster instead of trying to haul it away in a pick-up truck and have to make multiple trips. Other common materials include: roofing tiles, dirt, concrete, asphalt, and metal. We have certain dumpsters we

There are some restrictions to what you can put into a dumpster when you rent it. You can't put any food waste into it for one. Other things you can't put into it include paint cans, television sets, refrigerators, or mattresses. We would need to know ahead of time if you planned on putting anything like that into it. Some things are easier to dispose of than others and chemicals like Freon are very difficult. Also, for the dumpsters we get you for concrete, dirt, asphalt, bricks, or metal, it has to be a clean dump. This means that if you get a dumpster for dirt, the ONLY thing you can put into it is dirt. We take dumpsters to different dumpsites depending on what type of materials you are going to be putting into it. So if we get you a dumpster for just dirt, concrete, or something like that, it can not be contaminated with anything else or we can't dump it where we were going to.

What Size Dumpster Is Right For My Project?

Our dumpsters all have different dimensions. Our smallest dumpster is the 12 yard dumpster. Our biggest roll-off dumpster is the 30 yard container. Each of our dumpsters has an 8 foot wide door that swings open. That makes it easier to put stuff in as opposed to throwing stuff over the side of it. Our dumpster sizes include:

For recyclable material like concrete, dirt, or asphalt, we will typically bring out a 20yd dumpster. The difference with this one is that we don't have a ton limit on it as long as it is not filled more than half full and is a clean dump. This means that it is only the one material in it and not mixed with anything else.

Useful Tips For Renting A Dumpster

When renting a dumpster, try to have a spot in mind for placement. If it is in a driveway or something like that, make sure there would be enough room to fit something 8 feet wide it in. Pretty much, the same amount of room as you would need for a car just a little bit more length wise depending on what size dumpster you would want.

Don't call for pick-up until you are sure you are done with it. We have had many customers schedule a pick-up of a roll-off dumpster and when we go out to pick it up, they aren't finished with it. So just be mindful when you call for pick-up.

Q: What size dumpster would I need to clean out my garage?

A garage can hold a lot of stuff. Furniture, regular trash, and stuff that just piles up over the years. We typically recommend a 20 or 30 yard dumpster due to the size of things put into a garage. Furniture is bulky and the Department of Transportation doesn't allow things hanging out of a dumpster while it is on the roads.

Q: Is there a weight limit on what I put in a dumpster?

The answer to that is yes there is. While all of our dumpsters come with an allotted weight limit, the Department of Transportation also restricts how much weight a dumpster can haul. For our smaller dumpsters the max load the truck can carry is between 6-10 tons. Our bigger dumpsters need bigger trucks so they can sometimes haul up to 20 tons. If that isn't a clean dump of one material, there would be a charge per ton over the allotted amount you were given.

Q: How much does it cost to rent a dumpster?

The price of our dumpsters vary. We have to take into consideration where it is being delivered to, what size dumpster you are getting, how long you plan on keeping it, and how much/what kind of material you will be putting into it. Just call us here at 703-828-0267 for a quote.

Q: How do I pay for the dumpster?

At Newington Dumpster Rental, we accept all major credit cards. The system we use takes credit cards and when the transaction is processed, it automatically sends the receipt to the email address you give us. We used to take checks and still do under certain circumstances but we need a deposit to ensure payment because there has been issues with people not paying.

Q: How soon can I get a dumpster?

Typically if you call before noon, we will get you on the schedule for the next day. Sometimes we can get it out to you the same day for an extra fee depending on our drivers. We can also put you on the schedule in advance if you needed delivery at a later date

Q: Can I throw regular trash into the dumpster?

The answer to this is yes. We typically don't rent out roll-off dumpsters for food waste and the like, but it can be done. We could just need to know ahead of time that that's what you are putting in it.

Q: How long can I keep the dumpster?

Our rental agreements vary depending on what size dumpster you are getting. We can work with you to fix up an agreement that works for you.

What Materials Aren't Allowed In Dumpsters

There are certain things you can NOT put into the dumpster without an extra charge. These materials include:

If you need to dispose of any of these types of items, just ask us about them and we will try to assist you wherever possible.